maandag 9 januari 2012

Protection against computer viruses ... an analogy

In order to share this blog with my friends abroad, I took the liberty to translate it and post it as a second blog.
Probably the translation could be better but I hope it is readable and if anyone has suggestions about the translation: feel free!

In the largest number of families in the whole world a computer is present, in any form whatsoever. In many families, even two or more. And all those computers, in one way or another, use software to protect them from viruses. Either the owner is smart enough to install it himself or such software is included on delivery, it does not matter.

Why would you need to protect a computer against viruses?
For a very simple reason: If your computer comes into contact with another computer "infected" with a virus, yours may be infected to. Result: loss of files, theft of your data or even your computer remains unusable.
Even in the simplest application of a computer, your computer is in regular contact with other computers. The Internet (just a little "Surfing"), by mail (any mail you receive is a potential "source of infection"), and of course, not to forget, the numerous social media everyone uses nowadays.

Pranksters, who sometimes call themselves 'hackers', like to 'build' programs to 'hack' into your computer to find information, to steal information, destroy your computer or even completely "take over" and use your computer for their own (mostly illegal) purposes. Sometimes they use your computer to 'contaminate' other computers for the sole purpose of creating a (larger) chaos and ultimately ending up at a computer where they can find something to their liking.

The illegal and even criminal characters calling themselves "hackers", use programs that behave as (eg) a virus. The program manages a certain effect on your computer and spreads to other computers through your mail, social media contacts, etc., or open the "back door" of your computer to grant access to your computer. The programs build for these purposes are getting smarter and harder to detect and therefore more dangerous.

Oddly enough it will be the top hackers who are recruited by the larger computer companies specifically because of their ability to do what they do. We should ask ourselves for what purpose, but I leave that question to the reader.

How do you protect your computer?
Actually you do it with just simple tools, as hackers do as well. The very simple basic programs (even if they use some very clever methods to work fast enough) need a file containing all features (the 'signature') of as many viruses as known.

The program does, in the base, not much more than compare anything that comes along in the "work-memory" with the data from the data file. Does it find a similarity, it tells you a virus has been found and most of the time it even shows you how it can be removed or, even better, it removes the threat itself. If the program is not sure of his case, it reports a 'potential' threat and leaves it up to you to handle it.

Of course you need to regularly update the file with signatures in order toprovide your program to work with to the last known data. If you would not do that, then newer viruses would not be recognized and you're still vulnerable. On the other hand it is wise to instruct your program to regularly check your entire computer (so everything on the hard disk ') to make sure you do not keep anything secret, a 'dormant' virus, on your harddisk.

It would be nice if the program you use would learn from earlier problems it encountered and create an additional protection but for that you would need an (self-)learning system, an ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and, unfortunately, we do not have those programs available at this time.
Frequently and regularly updating your data file and scanning your hard disk is as yet the only solution.

Why do I write this?
I am not a computer expert. Why should I bother here? Well .. I do not, actually.
My own computer is secured, I regularly update my programs and data and regularly scan my hard drive. Very occasionally a virus on my computer is found neatly removed, as well as trojan horses, tracking cookies and more of those pretty little terms that tell me nothing but of which my security software makes short shrift.

The only reason I wrote the above, is because I see an analogy with the operation of a wonderful system in our body: the immune system. Funnily enough, the differences are not so very big but strangely enough the most people use better protection for their computer against viruses as to protect their body against viruses. And that's one area I am a little familiar with (who read my previous blogs and other bits, knows how I think about these matters).

Our body's own security
Our immune system is a great system that is not so very different from the securitysystems of a computer, but infinitely more sophisticated. Not only it recognizes the many threats to our bodies (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.) such as computer security does to (computer viruses, Trojan horses, tracking cookies, etc.), it is even able to fight the attackers completely on its own . Where a computer security has to use other programs to control attackers, our immune system is able to think of something itself to destroy the attackers.

And not only that, it remembers afterwards the information and keeps it available during your lifetime in order to react faster the next time.

And not only that: it is even able to take this information recognize different attackers with it and deal with those as well. In our body, we have indeed an Artificial intelligence, a learning system that can learn from previous situations and thus anticipate future situations.

By letting our immune system have contact with attackers (you can also say, pathogens) as early as possible it grows stronger. In principle it is even a system that never needs to be updated: every now and then a little "disease" and it remains in "perfect working order". As far as your immune system is concerned a little sick(-ness) is very healthy.

Is this a promotion for vaccination (since, according to scientists, that is what the immune system needs and is provided with vaccination: contact with pathogens)? No, absolutely not, on the contrary!

Vaccination, the reality
With vaccination, a quack of junk is forced into the body, consisting of engineered pathogens (slain or immobilized or otherwise cultivated). At the same time, with the pathogen, a lot of other materials ranging from mercury to animal or human genes are brought into the body.
Precisely everything that we do not want in our bodies, we spray deliberately in the body during vaccination.

Is there any effect to be expected of the vaccine? According to proponents of vaccination we would get protection against the disease which the vaccine is intended to. But does it really? It appears not! Despite vaccination, vaccinated still can get the disease, which belies the proponents and (some) scientists claim.

Carries vaccination dangers? Yes, absolutely (though denied by proponents and producers). Not only are many after vaccination, in more or less severe degree, and sometimes permanently sick, there are also massive side effects. The substances key not only vague (and often untreatable) disease, they are also, according to numerous recent scientific studies, most likely the basis of most allergies, even autoimmune diseases and serious chronic diseases. Do you want to know more? Try browsing through Internet (update your computer security before browsing), if you really want to find it is not difficult, if you do not want to find it youw will not find it.

But … since we started with vaccination many diseases have almost disappeared! Maybe but the question you should ask yourself is this: Is that, thanks to vaccination programs or are there other probable possibilities?
At the time vaccinations were started, hygiene conditions considerably improved (in the so-called developed countries). And what do we see now?

In the very countries where hygiene conditions are poor, these diseases still thrive. This should be reason to believe that hygiene may therefore considerably more powerful than vaccination. Where the truth lies is, unfortunately, not scientifically provable because around the world where vaccines are introduced, it is including improved hygiene, and thus creating an improvable situation. Even the performance of the vaccine itself is not provable.

And still maintain (some) scientists and all vaccine manufacturers to do what they do! Claiming is simple but showing prove is a different matter. More and more evidence (research) has recently seen the daylight, showing that vaccination does not al all or hardly has any effect. Research into antibodies in vaccinated (which must be due to vaccination) show in very many cases, complete absence of or barely present antibodies. Scientific research has even shown that vaccination under the age of one (1) year is completely useless and most dangerous (and also ensures that the immune system is not developed or develops much slower). No, it will not be scientific prove of the 'highest order' but let's face it: research into vaccines isn’t as well otherwise it would not be so easy to shoot many holes in it lately.

Vaccination could be seen as a program with little or nothing written into the memory of your computer but with the signature of the pathogen written a cheat sheet or scrap (a sticky) stating that inherits must be given. After vaccination, the body (the immune system) should go in defence in reaction on contact with the pathogen. If it does not (at least by a proper temperature rise (fever)), we can conclude the mess is injected but the vaccinated person has probably not receive the cheat sheet.
And how is it with crib sheets: they have to be compared very regular with actual information to see if you need to respond, so they are crumpled, get dirty, or stay in your pocket if your pants are going in the wash. And within the shortest possible time the cheat sheet is illegible or completely disappeared, and therefore the information. Thus is the 'protection' gone too!

Just ask for midwives, where women shortly after the beginning of pregnancy go to, how many of those women when controlled of the Rubella virus antibodies (Rubella) come out positive! Only a marginal proportion of pregnant women show antibodies against Rubella , while all of these women have had all their vaccinations!

What we basically do with vaccination is not only open the doors (our computer) wide to hackers, but we even invite them into our computer to play around as much as they want: we let the enemy deliberately in and let him have his way (with our health).

With the intensification and occasionally even enforced vaccination programs that preferably start at two months after birth, we create not only a new generation of children who rely on a false sense of security, a fairy tale invented by scientists and producers. The reality is much worse: with the early start of the vaccination program, we create a generation with a completely inefficient immune system. And even worse, what is not there can not be passed on to their children so each generation will have less immune system and as the next generation has their children vaccinated we may be creating a quadratic function: within a few generations, the (vaccinated) man is no longer in possession of a working immune system any more.

Why would that happen? Not for the welfare of the average person, on the contrary. Only to the benefit of the producers of vaccines and (chemical) drugs, because in the future nobody will be able to survive long without vaccines and drugs. Big Business! After all: producers do not care about your health, contrary: vaccine manufacturers have an interest in you being terrified of any simple disease and producers of (chemical) drugs have an interest in you remaining ill. Imagine you would not be scared or sick, they would see their earnings fall!

Does this concern everyone? No, fortunately not. There are sensible parents not allowing anyone to vaccinate their children and teaching their children the healthy way and showing them "the way of vaccination" is a blind alley. There is a nice piece on the site of 'Prevent Disease' titled "The Health Earliest Children In The Future Will Be Unvaccinated", just look at (at least: if in the meantime to inexplicably disappeared).

Which choice
Whatever choice you make, vaccinate or not is up to each person individually and should nowhere in the world be enforced on anyone. Whatever choice you make: make sure it's YOUR choice based on real unadulterated information and search carefully (for example Internet) what the consequences might be. Do not feel forced by the production society we live in and in wich you, as parents of children, can not be free to take care of your kids when sick. The latter is your job as a parent and only healthy for your child: almost all the children sicknesses are very mild and lasting only a few days. Force it to your employer that you get time off, if necessary at his own expense or simply start not to children if you do not want to make sure you can take care of your children when sick.

I always get a lot of questions why I mention not all the sources I used. My counter question is always: why should I? I do not write to prove anything I only hope you start thinking yourself, I have no pretensions. Additionally, if someone is interested, he will himself easily enough find resources available on the internet, as where I get them from. Opponents will not bother to check my sources because they do not want to be confronted with the truth. The only ones I therefore please with sources are the readers who are already convinced and the doubters: I do not want influence, because I believe that the only honest way that they (in benefit of their children) can use is the self-searching of information, both pro and contra.

My facebook ( ) contains numerous contributions from the "National Vaccine Information Centre" and Terri Lewis, who seems to have taken it up as a life task to spread information, information I like to read (hopefully she will not stop spreading the news). There is also a link to "The Cochrane Collaboration" where a lot of information can be found. And there are thousands of other resources.
If you think your and your children’s life means anything, find your own information and do not rely blindly on information from manufacturers because, of course, they have a great interest in a positive image.

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